In efforts to improve delivery service for business owners in countless cities across the globe, Uber just revealed their latest creation, UberRUSH. Partnering up with local businesses, UberRUSH will allow customers to use Uber’s technology to get just about anything in 20 minutes flat. Thanks to UberRUSH, business in Chicago, New York, and San Francisco now have the power to get customers what they want, when they want it.
’20% of all trips in the U.S. are just to move things from A to B — and we’re wasting thousands of hours and gallons taking them. If every local business delivered, we’d all save time and energy. But most simply can’t. Day-to-day operations are already complicated and delivery can cause all sorts of logistical headaches. There has never been a simple local delivery solution. Until now.’
You can expect to see UberRUSH available in more cities through the US in the coming months. For now, head over to for more details!
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